As you can see, our site has been a bit dormant for the past year or so. If you follow either me, Sarah Jane, or Eric on Twitter, you know that 2021 has been our own little annus horribilus. There was the fire in February caused by the Texas Freeze. We lived in a hotel for a month until we found a new place to live. After that, we were both hospitalized at the same time. We're okay now, although Eric is still in his recovery phase after his stroke and heart attack. See? It's been a year. We're just biding our time until 2022. Hopefully, that will be our year. It's taken a long time to come.
We wanted to revive the site so that we can post more of our writing. I've got a few outlets I already write for including the Austin Chronicle, Daily Grindhouse, OneOfUs, and F!This Movie but I wanted to be able to post reviews and write-ups that I don't have an outlet for currently. I just recently attended the Austin Film Festival and did write a couple of reviews for the Austin Chronicle but I saw another four where I didn't have an outlet for reviews for the films C'Mon C'Mon, The Humans, The Big Bend, and Spencer. I mean, I can always write something up and post it on Letterboxd but, as I said, I'd like to start posting things here as well.
So watch this space for more writings from me and from Eric.
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